If you are wondering which Pokemon are exclusive to Pokemon Violet, you can check out the list below.
The 9th Generation of Pokemon games is finally out with two versions, Scarlet and Violet, exclusively for Nintendo Switch. It’s that time of the year when a new Pokemon game is here, and all the young trainers get to go on yet another journey to become a Pokemon champion. However, to become the ultimate champion, you will have to catch and train the right Pokemon in the game.
Each time a Pokemon game releases, specific Pokemon are exclusive to either version of the game. These make a lot of difference as they could change how you approach the game and choose who you want in your team. And if you are confused regarding which Pokemons are exclusive to Pokemon Violet, then this complete guide is tailor-made for you.
Read More: Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Mystery Gift Codes
All Pokemon Exclusive to Pokemon Violet
Like other Pokemon games, there are Pokemon that cannot be caught and owned in both games. Players will have to trade them with someone willing to give them up to obtain that specific Pokemon. Furthermore, there are around 24 Pokemon that are exclusive to Pokemon Violet. Below we have made a complete list of all the Pokemon Exclusive to Pokemon Violet and where you can catch them in the game.

Exclusive Pokemon Violet List
Pokemon | Type | Strong Against | Weakness | Locations where you can find it |
Tauros | Fighting/Water | Ground, Ice, Normal, Steel, and Rock | Fighting | East Province Area Two and West Province Area Two |
Misdreavus | Ghost | Poison and Bug | Ghost, Dark | Dalizapa Passage, East Province Area Two, Glaseado Mountain, South Province Area One, South Province Area Two, South Province Area Three, South Province Area Four, South Province Area Five, South Province Area Six, Tagtree Thicket, West Province Area One |
Gulpin | Poison | Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, and Fairy | Ground and Psychic | East Province Area One and South Province Area Three |
Swalot | Poison | Poison, Grass, Ghost, Dark, and Psychic | Ground | Casseroya Lake |
Bagon | Dragon | Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric | Ice, Dragon, Fairy | Alfornada Cavern, Dalizapa Passage, East Province Area Three, Glaseado Mountain, South Province Area One, South Province Area Three, and West Province Area Two |
Shelgon | Dragon | Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric | Ice, Dragon, and Fairy | Alfornada Cavern |
Salamence | Dragon/Flying | Fire, Water, Fighting, Bug, Ground, and Grass | Dragon, Fairy, Rock, and Ice | Evolves from Shelgon at level 50 |
Mismagius | Ghost | Poison, and Bug | Ghost and Dark | Alfornada Cavern, Casseroya Lake, Glaseado Mountain, North Province Area One, and North Province Area Two |
Clauncher | Water | Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice | Grass and Electric | East Paldean Sea, North Paldean SeaSouth Paldean Sea, and West Paldean Sea |
Clawitzer | Water | Steel, Fire, and Water | Grass and Electric | North and South Paldean Sea |
Passimian | Fight | Rock, Bug, Dark | Flying, Psychic, and Fairy | North Province Area TwoTagtree Thicket |
Dreepy | Dragon/Ghost | Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Poison, Bug, Normal, and Fighting | Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, and Dark | East Province Area Two, East Province Area Three, Glaseado Mountain, South Province Area One, South Province Area Four, South Province Area Five, South Province Area Six, West Province Area Two, and West Province Area Three |
Drakloak | Dragon/Ghost | Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Poison, Bug, Normal, and Fighting | Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, and Dark | Casseroya Lake, Glaseado Mountain, North Province Area One, North Province Area Two, and North Province Area Three |
Dragapult | Dragon/Ghost | Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Dark | Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Poison, Bug, Normal, Fighting | Evolves from Drakloak at level 60 |
Eiscue | Ice | Ice | Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire | North Paldean Sea and North Province Area Three |
Iron Treads | Ground/Steel | Normal, Flying, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Dragon, Fairy, Poison, Electric, and Rock | Water, Fighting, Ground, and Fire | Area Zero |
Iron Moth | Fire/Poison | Steel, Fire, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, and Fairy | Rock, Water, Psychic, and Ground | Area Zero |
Iron Hands | Fight/Electric | Rock, Bug, Dark, Steel, Electric | Psychic, Fairy, and Ground | Area Zero |
Iron Jugulis | Dark/Flying | Ghost, Dark, Grass, Psychic, and Ground | Fairy, Rock, Electric, and Ice | Area Zero |
Iron Thorns | Rock/Elec | Normal, Poison, Fire, Electric, and Flying | Fighting, Water, Grass, and Ground | Area Zero |
Iron Bundle | Ice/Water | Water and Ice | Fighting, Rock, Grass, Electric | Area Zero |
Iron Valiant | Fairy/Fighting | Rock, Bug, Dark, Steel, Electric | Psychic, Fairy, Ground | Area Zero |
Ceruledge | Fire/Ghost | Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Fairy, Poison, Bug | Ground, Rock, Water, Ghost, Dark | Evolve Charcadet |
Miraidon | Dragon/Electric | Flying, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric | Ground, Ice, Dragon, Fairy | Area Zero (Crater) |
Each Pokemon game adds new Pokemon you can catch and use in your journey to becoming a Pokemon Master. If you are wondering what new Pokemon have been added to the Scarlet and Violet. You can check out our article on it here.