Call of Duty Modern Warfare/Warzone’s sniper glint bug might get fixed soon, as Raven Software are looking into the issue.
Warzone YouTuber JGOD recently revealed that a certain sniper scope had no longer have glint, which made it very overpowered.
With the April 6th update, the devs made some important bug fixes, as well as nerfed two of the most powerful weapons AUG and FFAR 1. However, with this patch, some new bugs were introduced, including the “No-Glint” Sniper Rifle bug.
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As explained by YouTuber JGOD, any rifle using the Variable Zoom scope no longer has a glint. This bug is present in both Modern Warfare and Warzone’s multiplayer, and considering how popular this scope is, a lot of players are getting affected with this bug.
The ‘Scope Glint‘ in CoD is used to aware players of a potential sniper rifle in use. Without this feature, it would be pretty difficult to spot these sniper players, as they will probably be far away, trying to take you down. The bug made the zoom scope quite overpowered, which is why Raven Software have now confirmed that they are aware of this issue and are working to mitigate it.
In the Call of Duty Trello board, the developers have added a card that reads, “Sniper scopes: Players are reporting that some/all IW8 sniper scopes no longer have glint.” And the devs currently labelled it as “investigating”.
Hopefully, this bug will be patched out quickly, alongside the RC-XD’s position in the Buy Station list, whose fix is also pending.