Like A Dragon: Ishin! – All Trooper Cards

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
18 Min Read
Credit: SEGA

Here are all the Trooper Cards you can get in Like a Dragon: Ishin!

The Yakuza game series has always been famous due to its immersive gameplay and nail-biting storyline filled with twists and turns. Similarly, this time players will experience what it is like to become an epic samurai on a journey to defend their clan’s honor.

Read More: All Outfits in Like a Dragon: Ishin!

The combat system in Yakuza games has also been something we all have been impressed by with every game’s release. This year, apart from weapons, and combat style, Trooper Cards also play a significant role in combat. Now one might ask what Trooper Cards are and why they should be collecting them. Well, that’s where we come in, bringing you an in-depth analysis of Trooper Cards, what they do, and why you should collect them.

All Trooper Cards in Like a Dragon: Ishin!

What are Trooper Cards?

Before we list all the Trooper Cards for you, let us explain precisely what they are first. After chapter 5, “The Iron Code,” you will get a combination of soldiers in the form of Trooper Cards, which can assist you in battles. Each Trooper has different abilities you can use depending on your needs. So, in conclusion, Trooper Cards are like your battle buddy’s you can use to help you chop your foes into halves.

There are five types of Trooper abilities: Medical, Assist, Support, Offensive, and Defensive. These abilities range from giving you small damage buffs to Healing over time, causing an explosion, or buffing any combat style. You can also access their passive abilities called Corporal Traits when you use a Trooper Card.

How to Get Trooper Cards

There are three main ways you can acquire Trooper Cards in Like a Dragon: Ishin! The first is Battle Dungeons, the second is Street Battles, and the last is Enlistment. Completing each Battle Dungeon will reward you with Trooper Cards, and the harder ones you complete, the more rare Cards you will get.

Moving to the second way, while roaming around the town, you will notice some enemies wanting a piece of you. If you defeat them, some will offer to join your team after being impressed by your strength, and you can keep them as Trooper Cards.

Last is the most straightforward way to get Trooper Cards, but it requires money to buy them. You can access a menu at the Barracks that will allow you to purchase Cards anytime. The rare the card, the more you will have to pay.

All Trooper Cards

Now that we have mentioned what Trooper Cards are and how you can obtain them, it is time we took a look at how many types of Trooper Cards there are and what they do:

All Kinds of Trooper Cards

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary
Like a Dragon Ishin! Trooper Cards
Credit: SEGA

Common Tropper Cards

Name Of TrooperTrooper TypeTrooper AbilityCorporal Trait
Yokoyama JintaroAttackCourageBrave General II
Matsuura KuroAttackSlashingBrave General I
Asano GonzoAttackSteel CuttingCrazed General
Kumatani TaiheiAttackBuyoBrave General II
Araki HikobeiAttackBuyoBrave General I
Noda GenichiroAttackBuyoBrave General I
Hirose KiichiAttackGauntletsBrave General I
Otani MataichiAttackPoison Mist BallBrave General I
Ozaki SakubeiAttackFirestarterBrave General II
Tanabe RokunosukeAttackPoisonerBrave General I
Nagata ChiyokichiAttackPoison Mist BallBrave General I
Yoshida WataruAttackFlame MasterBrave General I
Ogura JiroAttackManiaConscription
Sakata GengoroAttackJolterBrave General II
Toyota InasakuAttackStreet FighterCrazed General
Kawamura ShoichiAttackRapid FireBrave General II
Kadota ShiroAttackShooterBrave General II
Mizutani KazuyoshiAttackShooterBrave General II
Nemoto ShinzaburoAttackRapid FireCrazed General
Miyazaki SahiraDefenseGreat God of LightProtector General II
Tajima SansukeDefenseLight MasterProtector General I
Ueda ShujiroDefenseFlash RayProtector General I
Shiroi RokurotaDefenseFlash RayProtector General I
Miyagawa JirokichiDefensePerseveranceProtector General I
Enomoto TaroDefenseLight MasterProtector General I
Mikami JiroDefenseUnassailableProtector General II
Nishio TakejiroDefensePerseveranceIron Wall General
Iijima HeisukeDefenseEssence of the Violent WindProtector General II
Ishizuka SanzoDefensePerseveranceIron Wall General
Miyamoto FukusukeMedicalMedicine BoxCurative General II
Kubozono KenMedicalAidCurative General II
Maruyama RiichiMedicalOintmentCurative General I
Suzuki JiroMedicalOintmentCurative General I
Miyoshi GonzoMedicalOintmentCurative General I
Fujiwara OsamuMedicalAidCurative General I
Kishi GenhachiroMedicalAidCurative General I
Saeki MatahachiMedicalAidCurative General I
Katayama ShingoMedicalTreatmentCurative General I
Kaneda DenkichiMedicalTreatmentCurative General I
Ochiai TanetaroMedicalBed RestCurative General I
Nishino MugitaroMedicalBed RestCurative General I
Saito ShintaroMedicalOintmentConscription
Takizawa YasukeMedicalMedicine BoxCurative General I
Yamakawa HirataMedicalAidCurative General I
Sugita GentaMedicalBed RestCurative General I
Kasahara InenosukeMedicalOintmentCurative General I
Kanazawa MatasaburoMedicalAidCurative General I
Kawabata YukichiAssistCooperationCharge! I
Omura ShojiAssistEffortCharge! I
Kishi HachirobeiAssistEffortCharge! I
Hidaka KatsuyoshiAssistGritTake Cover! I
Kajiki SaburoAssistReliefRally! I
Fujisawa YaichiroAssistEncouragementCharge! II
Iguchi YasaburoAssistSpur OnTake Cover! II
Yasui YaheiAssistUnitySacrifice Evasion
Ouchi SotaAssistWarriorsSacrifice Technique
Fujioka ShiroAssistReservesSacrifice Defense
Yanagisawa YaichiroAssistHelpRally! II
Otani MatazoAssistEncouragementCharge! II
Kotani TozaAssistSpur OnTake Cover! II
Fujimura DaiichiroAssistHelpRally! II
Tanigawa MichiyukiSupportFerocityDivine Speed II
Miyazawa AyumuSupportPatronageDivine Speed I
Shimoda JiroSupportPatronageDivine Speed I
Fujino SukegoroSupportFerocityDivine Speed I
Miyahara MataichiSupportFerocityDivine Speed I
Nagashima IchiroSupportBeliefDivine Speed I
Mogi AkiraSupportBeliefDivine Speed I
Miwa ShuheiSupportBeliefDivine Speed I
Takemura YonezoSupportPatronageConscription
Deguchi KuranosukeSupportPatronageConscription
Ogino SukerokuSupportBeliefConscription
Fukuoka ShuntaroSupportAttendanceDivine Speed II
Ohira SakubeiSupportBeliefDesperate Speed
Miyagi NoriichiSupportRageDesperate Speed

Uncommon Trooper Cards

Trooper NameTrooper TypeTrooper AbilityCorporal Trait
Hara UtanosukeAttackAsuraBrave General II
Sakurai TsurunosukeAttackGrand DanceBrave General III
Furukawa MansukeAttackRend the WickedBrave General III
Ichikawa HirabeiAttackManiaBrave General II
Shimada YoshijiroAttackMartial ArtsBrave General II
Takano YosukeAttackAsuraCrazed General
Mizuno ShinichiroAttackGreat God of ThunderBrave General II
Yamauchi SaburoAttackGreat God of ToxinBrave General II
Nishida SukisaburoAttackRazor’s EdgeCrazed General
Kikuchi KyubeiAttackEssence of the Dimensional BladeBrave General II
Kitamura SansukeAttackFurious CombosCrazed General
Nakata ReizoAttackEssence of Incendiary BombBrave General II
Kawaguchi HikoichiAttackEssence of the VoidCrazed General
Kawasaki ShutaAttackTriple ShotBrave General II
Azuma YasuhikoAttackTriple ShotChivalrous Heart
Honda MankichiDefenseArmor AdornedProtector General III
Tsuji GoheiDefenseEssence of the Violent WindProtector General II
Nakanishi KoichiroDefenseGreat God of LightProtector General I
Fukushima IchiroDefenseEssence of the Violent WindProtector General I
Iwata HikoshiroDefenseGreat God of LightConscription
Hattori YataroDefenseDeterminationConscription
Higuchi EisaburoDefenseTry and Hit MeConscription
Kawakami ShigesaburoDefenseDeterminationIron Wall General
Matsuoka DengoroDefenseEssence of the Violent WindIron Wall General
Nagai RyosukeDefenseArmor AdornedIron Wall General
Taguchi KazuoDefenseFerocityIron Wall General
Morimoto MatsunosukeDefenseFerocityIron Wall General
Yano YonesukeDefenseFerocityProtector General II
Tsuchiya HikoichiDefenseEssence of the VoidChivalrous Heart
Shibata TaisukeDefenseUnyieldingProtector General II
Oshima TaroDefenseEssence of the Violent WindChivalrous Heart
Hirai HikotaroMedicalMedical AttentionCurative General III
Katayama KichibeMedicalRemedyCurative General III
Sawada YasutaMedicalMedicine BoxCurative General II
Honma ShosukeMedicalAidCurative General II
Hayakawa TomikichiMedicalTreatmentCurative General II
Yokota SanpeiMedicalMedical AttentionCurative General II
Arai ShigeruMedicalMedicCurative General II
Okazaki UmenosukeMedicalRemedyCurative General II
Kamata TaheiMedicalMedical AttentionCurative General I
Oishi KichitaroMedicalMedicCurative General I
Oda HikoshiroMedicalMedical AttentionConscription
Miyata ShiroMedicalMedicConscription
Ishibashi SukiichiroMedicalRemedyConscription
Hagiwara RentaroMedicalMedicChivalrous Heart
Takayama JiroMedicalRemedyChivalrous Heart
Konishi MitsuhikoMedicalMedical AttentionCurative General II
Kurihara GonbeiMedicalMedicCurative General II
Umeda MatakichiAssistSpur OnTake Cover! I
Sakai MagokichiAssistAssistanceCharge! III
Matsubara YagoroAssistSong of CheerCharge! II
Itoda SanbeiAssistSteadfastTake Cover! III
Fukui ChojiroAssistSupportRally! III
Ozawa YoshihachiroAssistUnityRally! II
Omori GonsukeAssistReservesCharge! II
Kataoka ChogoroAssistTogether as OneSacrifice Guard
Uchiyama YakichiAssistWarriorsSacrifice Technique
Kuwahara ShinsaburoAssistReservesSacrifice Evasion
Oka GinjiAssistUnitySacrifice Technique
Tomita SaburoAssistStrength in NumbersSacrifice Vision
Sekiguchi IchiroAssistRescueSacrifice Defense
Matsunaga JintaroAssistTogether as OneSacrifice Evasion
Kitagawa ShujiroAssistTogether as OneDesperate General
Koga TarokichiAssistSong of CheerDesperate General
Kudo HeitaSupportFaithDivine Speed III
Yagi MataichiroSupportTop AideDivine Speed III
Yoshino DenjiroSupportTop AideDivine Speed II
Shiraishi SukiichiSupportAttendanceDivine Speed II
Imamura KuwajiroSupportAttendanceDivine Speed II
Kawashima FujikichiSupportTop AideDivine Speed II
Uemura KinzoSupportRageDivine Speed II
Koizumi TokunosukeSupportFaithDivine Speed I
Nakao HansukeSupportFaithDivine Speed I
HIrayama HikozoSupportAttendanceConscription
Makino YonesukeSupportTop AideConscription
Terada MonjiSupportFaithConscription
Shibuya MugizoSupportRageDesperate Speed
Okamura SuekichiSupportFerocityDesperate Speed
Kodama YoshibeSupportFaithDesperate Speed
Sakaguchi TaroSupportTop AideChivalrous Heart
Kawai EikichiSupportFaithDivine Speed II
Oyama RokuroSupportTop AideChivalrous Heart
Tada JunjiSupportFaithDivine Speed II
Miyashita GenjiSupportTop AideChivalrous Hea

Rare Trooper Cards

Trooper NameTrooper TypeTrooper AbilityCorporal Trait
Kasai SeijiAttackDauntless HeroBrave General III
Seto KabeiAttackEssence of Incendiary BombBrave General III
Tamura SeizoAttackEssence of Lightning’s SpearBrave General III
Sugimura TakeoAttackEssence of the Unyielding WaveBrave General III
Negishi TadanariAttackEssence of the Dimensional BladePeerless Swordsmen
Kaneko TetsujiroAttackFurious CombosBrave General III
Koide ToramatsuAttackEssence of Explosive ImpactPeerless Spearmen
Nakayama GintaroAttackGrand DanceBrave General III
Tanimoto ToshikatsuAttackFurious CombosPeerless Gunmen
Tezuka ToshiyaDefenseArmor AdornedHonor and Duty
Numata ShigeichiroDefenseUnyieldingProtector General III
Kawano KanematsuDefenseTry and Hit MeProtector General III
Ishizaki KojiDefenseTry and Hit MeProtector General III
Fukazawa MinoruDefenseImpregnable RampartsDefensive Swordsmen
Hanada KinDefenseEssence of the VoidDefensive Spearmen
Shinoda MasamoriDefenseEssence of Bumbling FoolsDefensive Gunmen
Tsuruta ShuzoMedicalEmergency CareHonor and Duty
Takei ToutaMedicalExperimental MedicationHonor and Duty
Yanagida ShinzoMedicalField HospitalCurative General III
Nagano UheiMedicalEmergency CareCurative General III
Nishizawa SadahiraMedicalField HospitalMending Spearmen
Irie TenmaMedicalExperimental MedicationCurative General III
Yuasa KomakichiMedicalEmergency CareMending Gunmen
Nagasawa ShigejiroMedicalField HospitalCurative General III
Soma KeijiAssistWarriorsCharge! III
Sonoda ChikuraAssistRescueRally! III
Horikawa KoinosukeAssistSong of CheerDiligent Swordsmen
Ninomiya SosukeAssistFury’s CallCrazed General
Usui MatabeiAssistTogether as OneDiligent Spearmen
Morita IchinosukeAssistSolemnityIron Wall General
Ohara KikuzoAssistUnityDiligent Gunmen
Fukunaga SeitaroAssistSalvationDesperate General
Hayashida IsaoSupportUnwavering ConvictionDivine Speed III
Shinozaki YasujiSupportTranscendent FuryDivine Speed III
Mizoguchi MitsumasaSupportFaithHeadlong Swordsmen
Yamaoka TetsuSupportUnwavering ConvictionHonor and Duty
Hiramatsu ShojiSupportFaithHeadlong Spearmen
Asada MuneyoshiSupportFaithHeadlong Gunmen
Ochi HideyoshiSupportTop AideHonor and Duty

Epic Trooper Cards

Trooper NameTrooper TypeTrooper AbilityCorporal Trait
Minami DaigoroAttackEssence of Incendiary BombPeerless Swordsmen
Jozo TenguAttackTremble with FearBrave General of Legend
TojiroAttackBlessing of the Sword GodHonor and Duty
YukimitsuAttackBlessing of the Dance GodBrave General of Legend
Sumi BozuAttackBlessing of the Fist GodBrave General of Legend
Lau Ku LongAttackEssence of Lightning’s SpearPeerless Spearmen
Saio EdAttackEssence of Sweaty PalmsPeerless Spearmen
Masuzoe KotaAttackEssence of Volley FireConscription
Uta HoriemonAttackBlessing of the Gun GodRaging Dragon Crest
Niigaki MikisaburoDefenseEssence of Bumbling FoolsDefensive Swordsmen
Yonashiro ShozoDefenseEssence of the VoidProtector General of Legend
Himura KouanDefenseEssence of Volley FireDefensive Gunmen
SoranoharaMedicalBlessing of the Merciful GodMending Swordsmen
Uno MichimoriMedicalSupreme ShiatsuCurative General of Legend
Suzuki MunanchoMedicalEssence of Healing JubileeMending Gunmen
TomAssistReservesThe New Shinsengumi
Masaki YoshichiyoAssistWar God’s MoraleRally! Legend
Yasumura KosukeAssistSupport RegimentDiligent Spearmen
Akimoto BunkichiSupportFestival of the GodsDivine Speed of Legend
Domyouji IkkiSupportDivine LuckHonor and Duty of Legend
Aguri JuntaroSupportUnwavering ConvictionDivine Speed of Legend
Kitakata KuranosukeSupportOrders from the NorthHonor and Duty of Legen

Legendary Trooper Cards

Trooper NameTrooper TypeTrooper AbilityCorporal Trait
Shinada TatsunosukeAttackTime is FleetingTakemikazuchi
Ryudo RikiyaAttackEssence of Explosive ImpactHonor and Duty of Legend
Nishitani ShigeharuAttackEssence of Crimson CutsRaging Dragon Crest
Ishioda DenjiAttackEssence of the Dimensional BladePeerless Swordsmen
Tendo YojiroAttackEssence of the Unyielding WavePeerless Swordsmen
Sayama KahoDefenseHeroine’s ArmorProtector General of Legend
Yama-GoroshiDefenseEssence of the Conquering BearProtector General of Legend
Rahul KohliAttackEssence of FirestormBrave General I
Kenny OmegaDefenseEssence of the One-Winged AngelProtector General I
Nyatasha NyannersMedicalEssence of ConqueringCurative General I
Cohh CarnageSupportEssence of WarfareDivine Speed I
Alex MoukalaAttackEssence of CrescendoBrave General I
VampyBitMeAssistEssence of EmbraceCharge! I

Apart from all the Troopers in Like a Dragon: Ishin, if you are wondering how many types of materials there are. Check out our complete guide here: Like a Dragon: Ishin! – All materials.

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."