Looking to add the powerful Quicksilver Storm to your arsenal in Destiny 2? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to acquire this devastating weapon.
Destiny 2 is an action-packed first-person shooter game developed by Bungie. Players create their own Guardian and embark on missions to defeat enemy factions and save the universe.
Bungie releases new weapons with each update to keep the game fresh and challenging. These weapons often require players to complete difficult quests and overcome challenging enemies to obtain them.
In this article, we will explain how to obtain the Quicksilver Storm, a powerful weapon in Destiny 2. We will guide you through the required quests and challenges, provide tips for success, and help you add this devastating weapon to your inventory.
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How to Get the Quicksilver Storm

Quicksilver is an expansive addition to your arsenal. Although the community is bashing this weapon as a pay-to-win exotic Assult Rifle, the weapon itself is still questionable nonetheless. This weapon has already gone under maintenance two times since its release due to some bugs and exploits. Although Bungie always makes the game as balanced as they can, the community is saying otherwise.
Weapon Type | Auto Rifle |
How To Obtain | Earned as a preorder bonus. |
Source | DLC | Lightfall Expansion Pack |
Weapon Slot | Kinetic |
Ammo Type | Primary |
Exotic Perks | Rocket Tracers: Landing multiple hits turns your next shot into a homing micro-rocket. |
Traits | Grenade Chaser: Landing multiple rockets loads a grenade. Hold the reload key to switch into Grenade Launcher mode. |
Tier List | Ongoing |
Bungie offers the Quicksilver Storm as a preorder bonus for purchasing the Lightfall and Annual Pass combo, which costs $100. In addition, players receive other bonuses, such as a banner, Exotic Ghost shell, and Exotic Strand emote.
Read More: Destiny 2 Best Void Weapons: Top 10 Void Weapons Ranked.
Lightfall also rewards players with extra Upgrade Modules, Ascendant Alloys, and other materials. To obtain the Quicksilver Storm, players who have preordered Lightfall can visit Master Rahool in the Tower social space. Interacting with Rahool and accessing his vendor page allows players to grab the Quicksilver Storm.