Fortnite has released another skin pack called the Double Agent Bundle and it has 2 edit styles for each skin.
Epic Games has not released a new pack since the start of Chapter 2 season 3. Finally, the leaked popular double agent pack has been released in the item shop.
How Many Skins are in the Bundle?
The Bundle has Three skins. Each of these skins has 2 edit styles. Some of them also have more than 2 styles similar to their original skin. The two styles are the shadow style and ghost style. Each of these skins also features back-blings with shadow and ghost styles as well.
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Double Agent Hush
Double Agent Hush comes from the original Hush skin. The original hush skin did not have any edit styles. However, the Double agent hush has Two Edit styles. Her Back-bling also has 2 edit styles.
Double Agent Wildcard
Double agent Wildcard comes from the Wildcard skin first released back during Fortnite Getaway LTM. The skin as well as the back-bling has 2 edit styles.
Chaos Double Agent
The Chaos Double agent is a bit different than the other two. This skin has two variants to the skin and also two edit styles. The back-bling only has two styles though.
The Price of the Double Agent Bundle is 2500 VB. This is probably the first skin bundle that costs VB and not money. Usually, you cannot buy these bundles with VB. you have to buy it directly. But this time Epic Games has decided to sell it for VB. which is a very welcome change.

Can I Gift it to My Friend?
Yes, This time the Bundle is also giftable to your friend for 2500 VB. It costs the same if you decide to buy it for yourself or for your friend.
The Pickaxe Bundle
The Skins also come with a pickaxe bundle that has 3 pickaxes suited to the three double agents. The Pickaxe pack however costs 1200 VB and is also giftable to friends. The Pickaxes, however, do not have shadow and ghost variants. But still, three pickaxes for 1200 VB is an offer worth taking.

The Double agent pack looks very shiny and elegant at the same time so it is sure to set you apart from other players on the Battle Royale island.
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