Destiny 2: How To Earn The Deadeye Title

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
11 Min Read
Image source: Bungie / Deadeye Title

Are you looking for the easiest way to obtain the Deadeye title in Destiny 2? Then you are in luck, as here we will go through all the challenges you need to complete to get the Deadeye title.

Bungie is constantly adding new content to the game with each new update as it is a live service title. With these seasonal content drops, they also add new Titles and Seals to the game, which players really appreciate. Players can earn these various Titles and Seals by completing specific challenges.

Likewise, to earn The Deadeye Title in Destiny 2, players must collect all weapon types and complete some triumphs, and completing some additional challenges will reward you the seal. Here we will go through all the challenges you need to complete in order to get this Title.

This list was updated Based on Season of the Haunted (Season 17).

How To Earn The Deadeye Title

Image source: Bungie / Deadeye Title

There is a total of 31 challenges you need to complete before obtaining The Deadeye Title in Destiny 2. While some of these challenges can be completed in one go, others might take a couple of weeks, depending on how well you can complete these challenges every week.

Some of these challenges are also time-gated, meaning you can’t complete every challenge at once. Instead, you have to complete these challenges at a specific time. However, this should not be too challenging to obtain with proper loadout and well-coordinated teams.

The Deadeye Title Requirements

Image source: Bungie / Deadeye Title

Weapon Archivist

Unlock 200 weapon entries in your collection by acquiring weapons for the first time. You can complete this challenge by casually playing the game and acquiring weapons as you progress through the game.

Dark Age Arsenal

Win a Gambit match with a Gambit weapon equipped in every slot. There is a total of three weapon slots available in Destiny 2. You have to equip three gambit weapons in each slot: kinetic, Energy, and Power slots.

Munitions Variety Pack

Defeat 500 combatants with Kinetic final blows, 250 combatants with Energy final blows, and 100 combatants with Power weapon final blows. Again you have to complete these challenges with each slot of weapons.

Sweet Spotter

Defeat combatants with precision weapon damage by targeting their weak points. You have to defeat 25 Cabal Legionaries, 5 Cabal Incendiors, 25 Vex Goblins, 3 Vex Wyverns, 25 Fallen Vandals, 10 Fallen Captains, 3 Hive Ogres, 5 Hive Wizards, 5 Scorn Ravagers, and finally, 5 Taken Hobgoblins to complete this triumph.

Aptitude Challenges

Image source: Bungie / Deadeye Title

You need to complete some aptitude weapon challenges with each type of weapon. Here are all the aptitude challenges you need to complete:

Auto Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Auto Rifles. You can use any auto rifle to complete this challenge. These challenges are ten parts long, and you will get progression points after killing 100 combatants.

Pulse Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Pulse Rifles. You should use the best Pulse rifle in your arsenal to complete this challenge.

Scout Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Scout Rifles. Scouts rifles can be pretty hard to control, so you should focus on killing some low-level enemies from the cosmodrome.

Hand Cannon Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Hand Cannons. Fatebringer is the ideal hand cannon for this triumph. However, you can use any hand cannon you want as long as it’s efficient or you enjoy using that weapon.

Submachine Gun Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Submachine Guns. Submachine guns are really great for aptitude challenges. You can kill a bunch of enemies with a single reload, and if you have a magazine mod with your submachine gun, then it’s a piece of cake.

Bow Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Bows. Although you need to reload bows every time you shoot an arrow, with the right perks, you can easily one-shoot enemies making it the ideal option for this triumph.

Sidearm Aptitude

Defeat 1000 combatants with Sidearms. You can use any sidearms to complete this challenge. But we recommend using the best one you have at your disposal or farm for a good sidearm, then complete this triumph.

Sniper Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Sniper Rifle. Sniper rifles are like bows; they are slow compared to other weapons, but they can one-shot your target easily.

Fusion Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Fusion Rifle. Fusion rifles are really great for killing hordes of enemies, making them an ideal weapon for this triumph.

Grenade Launcher Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Grenade Launchers. Grenade launcher is great for AoE damage, and they can deal massive damage within a good range.

Linear Fusion Rifle Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Linear Fusion Rifles. A linear Fusion Rifle is a viable option for killing single targets. But it doesn’t perform well against the enemy hordes. So instead, you should use a linear Fusion Rifle on lower-level enemies.

Machine Gun Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Machine Guns. Machine guns have mods like ammo drums making them absolute killing machines in any PvE content.

Rocket Launcher Aptitude

Defeat 500 combatants with Rocket Launchers. Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers work pretty much the same, and they can deal massive damage within a good range.

Mastery Challenges

Image source: Bungie / Deadeye Title

You need to complete some mastery weapon challenges with each type of weapon. Here are all the mastery challenges you need to complete:

Auto Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Auto Rifle and earn the medal “Assault Specialist.” Assault Specialist: In a single match, defeat seven opponents with an Auto Rifle.

Pulse Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Pulse Rifle and earn the medal “Lethal Cadence.” Lethal Cadence: In a single match, defeat seven opponents with a Pulse Rifle.

Scout Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Scout Rifle and earn the medal “Field Scout.” Field Scout: In a single match, defeat five opponents with a Scout Rifle at long range.

Hand Cannon Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians With any Hand Cannon Rifle, land 25 precision final blows in the Crucible and earn the medal “Hawkeye.” Hawkeye: In a single match, defeat two opponents with precision Hand Cannon final blows.

Bow Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Bow, land 25 long-range precision final blows, and earn the medal “My Bowfriend’s Back.” Field Scout: In a single match, land three precision final blows with a Bow.

Sidearm Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Sidearm and earn the medal “One for Each of You.” One for Each of You: Deliver a final blow with a Sidearm within five seconds of landing a final blow with any other weapon.

Submachine Gun Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Submachine Gun and earn the medal “Sub Machinist.” Sub Machinist: In a single life, defeat two opponents with Submachine Gun final blows.

Shotgun Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Shotgun and earn the medal “Close Encounters.” Close Encounters: Defeat two opponents at close range with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading.

Sniper Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Sniper Rifle, land 25 precision final blows, and earn the medal “Mission Control.” Mission Control: Defeat two opponents with long-range, precision Sniper Rifle final blows without switching weapons or reloading.

Fusion Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Fusion Rifle, land 25 precision final blows, and earn the medal “Cold Fusion.” Mission Control: In a single life, defeat two opponents with Fusion Rifle final blows.

Grenade Launcher Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Grenade Launcher and earn the medal “Calculated Trajectory.” Calculated Trajectory: In a single life, defeat three opponents with Grenade Launcher final blows.

Trace Rifle Mastery

Defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible With any Trace Rifle. Crucible is a PvP activity, and it would be wise to use your best slot weapon for this triumph.

These are all the challenges you need to complete to earn The Deadeye Title in Destiny 2. Hopefully, this guide was helpful, and you have learned something new. And if you find this guide helpful, you may also want to check out our other guides as well.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.