Destiny 2: Ascendant Scepter Artifact Guide

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
10 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Are you looking to get the most out of Destiny 2’s Ascendant Scepter artifact? Our comprehensive guide has got you covered, from unlocking the Artifact to maximizing its potential with powerful mods and abilities.

Destiny 2 is an action-packed online multiplayer game that has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. Players take on the role of guardians, wielding powerful weapons and abilities to defend humanity against the forces of darkness. With regular updates and new content, there’s always something exciting to discover in Destiny 2.

One of the most important features of Destiny 2 is the seasonal artifact system. Each season introduces a new artifact with unique mods and abilities that can be unlocked through gameplay. These artifacts significantly boost a player’s power level, allowing them to tackle the game’s toughest challenges. It’s important for players to understand how to make the most of these artifacts if they want to stay competitive.

In our comprehensive guide to Destiny 2’s season 20 artifact, the Ascendant Scepter, we’ll explain everything you need to know to unlock its full potential. We’ll cover Artifact’s unique mods, how to unlock them, and which ones are most useful for different types of gameplay. With our help, you’ll be able to maximize your power level and dominate your enemies like never before. So don’t wait – check out our guide and start wielding the power of the Ascendant Scepter today!

Read More: Destiny 2 Best Void Weapons: Top 10 Void Weapons Ranked.

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

The Season of Defiance in Destiny 2 introduces a new Artifact called the Ascendant Scepter. This Artifact allows players to select up to 12 passive bonuses that are always active, regardless of armor mods. The Artifact progression works in a specific order, with each column unlocking after acquiring a certain number of Artifact passives.

Players can reset their Artifact for free at any time from the Artifact interface if they’re not satisfied with the 12 effects they chose. Additionally, Overcharge is an endgame modifier that grants a 25% damage bonus to any Overcharged weapon types in certain activities, such as Nightfalls, Legendary Lost Sectors, Master-tier Raids and Dungeons, and Legend Dares of Eternity. Overcharge does not stack with elemental singes and is absent in PvP activities.

Column One

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

Column One is automatically unlocked, including mods for Anti-Barrier Sidearms, Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifles, Overload Bows, Unstoppable Scout Rifles, and Automatics Overload. These mods grant various abilities that help players deal with Champion enemies differently and provide Overcharge bonuses in endgame activities.

Anti-Barrier SidearmsYour equipped Sidearms pierce Barrier Champion shields. Additionally, Sidearms are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Anti-Barrier Pulse RiflesYour equipped Pulse Rifles pierce Barrier Champion shields. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Overload BowsDamage by fully drawn arrows from your equipped Bows stuns Overload Champions. Additionally, Bows are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Unstoppable Scout RiflesAiming down sights with a Scout Rifle for a short time loads an explosive payload, stunning Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Automatics OverloadUninterrupted fire from your equipped Auto Rifles and SMGs grants overload bullets that stun Overload Champions. Additionally, Auto Rifles and Submachine Guns are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Column One

Column Two

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

Column Two includes Authorized Mods for Solar, Strand, Void, and Grenades. Unlocking one of these perks significantly discounts all armor mods that fall under that category.

Authorized Mods: SolarAll Solar armor mods are significantly discounted.
Authorized Mods: StrandAll Strand armor mods are significantly discounted.
Authorized Mods: VoidAll Void armor mods are significantly discounted.
Authorized Mods: GrenadesAll armor mods that affect grenades are significantly discounted.
Multi-Siphon ModsUnlock additional armor mods that combine the effects of Strand Siphon, Solar Siphon, and Void Siphon.
Column two

Column Three

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

Column Three includes Shatter Orbs, Defiant Armory, Untangler, Solar Surge, and Volatile Flow. These mods grant various benefits such as generating an Orb of Power, improving Origin Traits, suspending targets damaged by explosions, and granting weapon bonuses when picking up Orbs of Power.

Shatter OrbsGenerate an Orb of Power upon breaking a combatant’s shield that matches your weapon’s damage type.
Defiant ArmoryGreatly improves the following Origin Traits: Noble Deeds, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Tex Balanced Stock, and Ambush.
UntanglerDestroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon suspends targets damaged by the explosion.
Solar SurgeCollecting a Firesprite grants x1 Armor Charge.
Volatile FlowPicking up an Orb of Power grants your Void weapons Volatile Rounds.
Column Three

Column Four

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

Column Four includes Bricks From Beyond, Flare Up, Origin Hones, Allied Unraveling, and Counterweave. These mods provide benefits such as dropping Heavy ammo upon defeating powerful combatants, spawning Firesprites on hit, granting Overcharge bonuses for specific Origin Traits, granting Unraveling Rounds for multi-kills with a Strand weapon, and gaining energy for the least-charged Strand ability upon stunning or defeating a Champion.

Bricks From BeyondDefeating a powerful combatant with a Void weapon has a chance to drop Heavy ammo for you and your fireteam.
Flare UpFirebolt Grenades apply more Scorch stacks and spawn Firesprites on hit.
Origin HonesWeapons with the following Origin Traits are Overcharged in endgame activities: Noble Deeds, Nanotracking Rockets, Tex Balanced Stock, and Ambush.
Allied UnravelingMultikills with a Strand weapon grant your weapon Unraveling Rounds, with a longer duration near allies.
CounterweaveGain energy for your least-charged Strand ability when you or your fireteam stuns or defeats a Champion.
Column four

Column Five

Season Of Defiance Artifact Explained
Image Source: Bungie

Column Five includes Stranded Reach, Rain of Firebolts, and Void Weapons Channeling. These mods grant benefits such as creating larger and more damaging explosions, gaining a second grenade charge, and gaining a temporary bonus to Void weapon damage after defeating a target with a Void weapon.

Stranded ReachDestroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon creates a larger and more damaging explosion.
Rain Of FireboltsWhen you have Firebolt Grenades equipped, gain a second grenade charge.
Void Weapons ChannelingGain a temporary bonus to Void weapon damage after you defeat a target with a Void weapon while you have at least one Void ability fully charged. This damage bonus increases based on the number of fully charged Void abilities you have.
Medieval ChampionGlaives fire projectiles that stun Unstoppable Champions. Swords stun Overload Champions on consecutive hits. Additionally, Glaives and Swords are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
Prismatic TransferWhen you cast your Super, each member of your fireteam with a subclass damage type different from yours gains a weapon damage bonus.
Column Five


In conclusion, the Ascendant Scepter Artifact is a powerful tool that provides players with a variety of benefits and abilities to help them conquer the challenges of Destiny 2. From enhancing weapons with unique properties to granting temporary bonuses and discounts on armor mods, the Artifact offers a range of customization options to suit different playstyles and activities.

Read More: Destiny 2: How to get the Tripwire Canary: PvE and PvP God Rolls and More.

Whether players prefer to use Void, Solar, or Strand weapons or wield Glaives and Swords in combat, the Ascendant Scepter Artifact has something to offer for everyone. By mastering the abilities and effects of the Artifact, players can become more versatile and effective in their quest to become the ultimate Guardian.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.