Destiny 2: All Resonance Amp Code Locations on Moon and Europa

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
7 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Are you trying to power up your character in Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph? We will guide you in finding all 12 Resonance Amp codes scattered across Europa and the Moon.

Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter video game set in a science fiction world where players take on the role of a Guardian and defend humanity against alien threats. The game regularly releases updates and expansions, known as “seasons,” which introduce new content and features to the game.

The latest season, Season of the Seraph, introduces a new in-game system called the Resonance Amp, which allows players to power up their character. To do this, players must collect Resonance Amp codes scattered across Europa and the Moon.

There are currently 12 such codes in the game, six at each location. Finding these codes will be challenging, but players who succeed will be rewarded with powerful benefits for their character.

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What is Resonance Amp Code

All Resonance Amp Code Locations on Moon and Europa
Image Source: Bungie

In Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph, players can collect special items called Resonance Amp codes to power up their character. These codes are scattered across Europa and the Moon, and there are currently 12 codes in the game, six at each location. Finding these codes can be challenging, but the rewards for doing so are well worth it.

To use a Resonance Amp code, you must first find it and collect it. Once you have a code, you can use it by accessing the Resonance Amp system in the game. This system is located in the Tower, and you can use it to apply the code and receive the power-up benefits.

When you use a Resonance Amp code, it will apply a power-up to your character. These power-ups can provide various benefits, such as increased damage, improved defenses, and special abilities. The exact benefits will vary depending on the type of code you use.

To find Resonance Amp codes, you will need to explore the various locations on Europa and the Moon. These codes are hidden in small caves and other locations that may be hard to find. To help you locate all 12 codes, we will provide detailed instructions and tips on where to look.

All the Resonance Amp codes on Europa

All Resonance Amp Code Locations on Moon and Europa
Image Source: Bungie

To find the Resonance Amp codes on Europa, you will need to explore the various locations on the icy Moon. Here are the locations of the six codes on Europa:

  • Eventide Ruins: The first code can be found in the Eventide Ruins, in the southeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave on the cliffs, and you will find the code inside.
  • Asterion Abyss: The second code can be found in the Asterion Abyss, in the northwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Cadmus Ridge: The third code can be found in Cadmus Ridge, in the northeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Charon’s Crossing: The fourth code can be found in Charon’s Crossing, in the southwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Kythera’s Strand: The fifth code can be found in Kythera’s Strand, in the southeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • The Rift: The sixth and final code on Europa can be found in The Rift, in the northwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.

All the Resonance Amp codes on the Moon

All Resonance Amp Code Locations on Moon and Europa
Image Source: Bungie

To find the Resonance Amp codes on the Moon, you will need to explore the various locations on the lunar surface. Here are the locations of the six codes on the Moon:

  • Anchor of light: The first code can be found in the Anchor of light in the northwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Sorrow’s Harbor: The second code can be found in Sorrow’s Harbor, in the southwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Archer’s Line: The third code can be found in Archer’s Line, in the northeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • Hellmouth: The fourth code can be found in Hellmouth, in the southeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • The Gateway: The fifth code can be found in The Gateway, in the northwest corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.
  • The Circle: The sixth and final code on the Moon can be found in The Circle, in the southeast corner of the map. Look for a small cave near the edge of the map, and you will find the code inside.

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We hope that this guide has been helpful in understanding the Resonance Amp codes and how to find them in Destiny 2. By following our instructions and tips, you should be able to locate all 12 codes and power up your character to its full potential. Good luck, Guardians!

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.