There are so many good Operator skins to choose from. But here are our top 10 Operator skins in VALORANT.
The Operator is a sniper rifle in VALORANT, and it has the potential to one-shot kill enemies with a hit to the head or chest. It is the most expensive weapon in the game, costing 4700 credits. The weapon can be scoped in to hit targets farther away, but it can be zoomed in twice for higher magnification, unlike the Marshal, which can be zoomed in only once.
Skins in VALORANT are merely decorative and do not offer any real in-game advantages against the default ones. Although compared to other games like CS:GO, which only offer recolors of the same exact weapon, the developers at Riot went a bit overboard with the skins in VALORANT as they completely altered the look of the weapon, added special variants, animations, and what not!
We’ve come a long way since VALORANT was launched. And since then, Riot Games has released a ton of bundles with unique and beautiful skins in the game for every weapon. Naturally, the Operator also has a bunch of skins to choose from. So, in this article, we’ll list the top 10 Operator skins that we think are the best ones available in VALORANT.
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Top 10 Operator Skins in VALORANT
Note that this is a list of our choices for the top Operator skins in the game; that being said, the other Operator skins are still excellent. In any case, we hope this top 10 list of the best Operator skins will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to buy one from Night Market or any special sales.
10. Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Operator

The community has mixed feelings about the Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster skin bundle, not because of its huge name but for its weird appearance. However, we like the G.U.N. Operator because of its unique scope design and sound. It feels like you’re shooting an alien gun whenever you shoot the weapon. On the other hand, the Operator is really bulky and may seem distracting quite often. So, for now, we’ll keep this one in our #10 spot.
Rarity: Premium Edition
Price: 1775 VP
How to Buy: Store, Night Market
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
9. Magepunk Operator

The Magepunk skin line is one of the most popular collections in the game, and it is currently the only skin line with a 3.0 version. However, that is not why we chose Magepunk Operator. The skin itself is beautiful, and our favorite part of the Magepunk Operator is the cool lighting GFX that can be seen through the transparent barrel.
Rarity: Premium Edition
Price: 1775 VP
How to Buy: Store, Night Market
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
8. Glitchpop Operator

The Glitchpop Operator could be in the top 3 Operator skins in VALORANT. However, the bulky nature of the skin made us not like it very much. Sure, using it for some rounds is fun due to its nice glitchy animation, but the weapon becomes distracting in the long run.
Not to mention, the color variants of Glitchpop Operator aren’t that great either, considering it’s an Exclusive Edition bundle. So, for now, it stays at our #8 pick.
Rarity: Exclusive Edition
Price: 2175 VP
How to Buy: Store only
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
7. Sentinels of Light Operator

The Sentinels of Light Operator is one of the most popular skins in the VALORANT community. It does not have many gimmicks, but it looks incredibly amazing. All of the color variants and animations are equally pleasant, so it would be a crime not to include the SOL Operator in the top ten list.
Rarity: Exclusive Edition
Price: 2175 VP
How to Buy: Store only
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
6. Origin Operator

Let’s be honest. Origin Operator has one of the coolest, if not the coolest, animations in the game. Many of us even sacrificed our Agents’ lives while spectating the incredibleness of Origin skins. Yet, that’s not the only thing that makes the Origin Operator great. The skin is minimalistic, unlike other bulky alternatives that get in your way while aiming. Moreover, the red and white variants of the skins also look amazing.
Rarity: Premium Edition
Price: 1775 VP
How to Buy: Store, Night Market
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
5. Reaver Operator

The Reaver series of skins is one of the most popular skin bundles in VALORANT, with the Reaver Vandal and Reaver Sheriff gaining much popularity along with the Reaver Operator. The skin has one of the most unique reload animations, with the player unloading and reloading the magazine without touching it, as though using some sort of dark magic. The firing sounds, skin color variants, and finisher put this Operator’s skin in our top 5.
Rarity: Premium Edition
Price: 1775 VP
How to Buy: Store, Night Market
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
4. Prelude to Chaos

Understandably, looking at the Prelude to Chaos skin from the side did not interest us much. However, getting hold of the skin in the game changed our perspective on this badass Operator. The skin’s animation, sound, and feel made us want to buy it. And guess what? I have 2175 VP less in my VALORANT account now.
Rarity: Exclusive Edition
Price: 2175 VP
How to Buy: Store only
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
3. Araxys Operator

Although we’ve put some Operator skins with bulky appearances and scopes down on the list, we’ll give it a pass for this one. Let us tell you why.
Although the base Araxys doesn’t interest us that much, the other variants are really cool, especially the black one. At first glance, the black variant of Araxys of the Operator reminded us of Muto from the Godzilla 2014 movie. The moving animation of the skin also makes the skin look like a living creature. So, it goes without saying that it is one of the best Operator skins in the game.
Rarity: Exclusive Edition
Price: 2175 VP
How to Buy: Store only
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
2. Ion Operator

The Ion Operator is a sleek-looking modern skin for the Operator. Even though it does not have any crazy animations like the Origin or Reaver skins, it makes up for it through its lightweight-looking design, smooth gameplay, and satisfying firing sounds.
Rarity: Premium Edition
Price: 1775 VP
How to Buy: Store, Night Market
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
1. Elderflame Operator

At last, in our #1 position, we have the Elderflame Operator. As an Ultra Edition skin, the Elderflame Operator is still the most expensive Op skin to date. It takes on the form of a literal dragon and comes with cool equip and reload animations. Not to mention, the firing sound sounds like a dragon’s roar. Coupled with the insane firebreathing finisher, the Elderflame Operator is the best Operator skin in VALORANT.
Rarity: Ultra Edition
Price: 2475 VP
How to Buy: Store only
VFX, GFX, Finisher: Yes
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So this wraps up our list of the best Operator skins in VALORANT. Note that, like all lists, this is subjective, and your personal rankings might differ from the ones we have here.